The weather might have hit 50 today! Maybe. It felt like it! Especially in the sun -- which (gasp!) was out. Finally. I've been getting real sick of this weather real fast -- I'm through, I'm done, I'm finished. And, with the weather being so nice, Aaron and I decided to take a nice little walk down to the community center to take pictures by the woods and their fence (which I think is pretty nifty looking). I played my video game till late last night -- My name is Kay and I'm addicted to Bioshock Infinite -- and didn't get up to pretty late in the day today, so... pretty much all I've done today is take a walk. Oh, life is so hard. Anyway, in lieu of the good weather, I decided to go the route of shorts (which wasn't the most weather-conscious decision, but whatever) and my hand-me-down polo sweater (which, a few years back, I kept calling my "polio shirt"...hm).
WARNING: Butt-tons of pictures coming up.
I had wa-aaaaa-ay too much fun with the camera.

Bonus note: I almost fell over this fence doing this.
I might have to share that picture at some point. It's awesome.

This face says, "OH, LOOK. SUNSHINE."

Shorts: Charlotte Russe (similar); Boots, Headband: Modcloth (here, similar); Sweater, jewelry: hand-me-down
It was fun, at least for me.
Aaron might not have had quite as much fun:

Grump, grump, grump.
Also, new blog layout. Thumbs up? Down?
I now have buttons -- that bandwagon is now jumped upon.
Yeah, fun stuff. (I went photoshop nutty.)
So, yeah, is your weekend starting well?
Planing anything fun? Fallen over any fences lately?
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