"You don't love seasons, you just love the idea of seasons."
I think that just about sums up how I feel about seasons, primarily winter and summer. When it's cold out, I love the idea of summer. When it's hot out, I love the idea of winter. Although, I must admit, snow always makes me rather giddy, unfortunately... it's 90 degrees out right now, on a near-daily basis, and there's little to no sign of snow. Hot weather doesn't really motivate me, either -- it just makes me lazy, tired, depressed, and hot. I'm one of those people that could overheat on a 60 degree cloudy day... yup, that's me! So, anyway, the weather is hot and I'm just lacking any and all motivation to dress up in the mornings (the five o'clock alarm doesn't help either, clearly) nor to really take pictures of people. That's my little summary of why I've been lacking in outfit posts lately -- laziness. Sad, but true. Sorry!